
Power Fruits juices are 100% juices. They have NO added colors or flavors.

POWER FRUITS juices contain NO preservatives. KDD’s superior processing and packaging technology ensures that the juice has a long life without the need for harmful preservatives.

POWER FRUITS juice contains NO added sugar.

Although Power Fruits juices contain NO added sugar, they contain natural sugar from the fruits. In case you are diabetic, we recommend you to check with your doctor before consuming POWER FRUITS juice.

Power Fruits juices are 100% Juices. They are NOT energy drinks.

While POWER FRUITS juice is a healthier alternative to nutrient empty, sugary drinks, it will not help you lose weight. Weight loss depends on various other factors such as overall diet, physical activity, lifestyle, medical conditions, etc.

When oxidation occurs in the body, it can cause damage to vital cells in the body. Antioxidants prevent such cell oxidation. Foods and drinks that are rich in antioxidants can be consumed as part of daily diet.

Anthocyanin is a naturally occurring pigment that is responsible for the red-blue color of many grains, fruits and vegetables. Studies have shown that anthocyanin-rich foods may be beneficial to health.

Power Fruits juices should be consumed as part of a balanced diet plan. You can never be dependent on one meal source for all your nutrient and vitamin needs.

Power Fruits juices are 100% juices that can be consumed as part of a regular healthy diet. They are not to be used as medicine.

Power Fruits juices are 100% juices with no added sugar, preservatives, colors or flavours. They cannot cure heart ailments.

Power Fruits juices are 100% juices with no added sugar, preservatives, colors or flavours. They cannot cure cancer.

Power Fruits juices should be consumed as part of a balanced diet plan. Please refer to the nutrition table on the pack for contents and consult a dietician or nutritionist to understand your daily requirements.

While Power Fruits juice has essential nutrients, it is not the only source of nutrition. We recommend incorporating diverse & healthy foods into a balanced diet 

You can buy Power Fruits from your nearest supermarket or coop. Kuwait residents can also order for home delivery by contacting us on 1888300 or by downloading our KDD e-shop app from any one of the following links: Android  iOS

Phytochemicals are chemical compounds produced by plants. They play a vital role in growth and build the body’s defense against pathogens.